Advancing particle detection technology is crucial for high-energy physics (HEP), particularly in extreme conditions like high radiation and particle flux. Developing robust, eco-friendly materials for detectors is a key challenge, as these materials must endure such environments while also being sustainable to the environment. Silicon-based particle detectors have long been the standard in this field, offering effective performance but facing significant limitations. These include vulnerability to radiation damage, the need for complex cooling systems, and their relatively bulky design, which hampers efficiency and sustainability.
This is where a groundbreaking material comes in – graphene. Graphene is a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. Its exceptional mechanical strength, thermal conductivity, and electrical properties make it ideal for advanced applications and it has been explored for use in the high-energy particle physics.
Leading this project is Dr. Nurul Hidayah Mohamad Nor from the National Centre for Particle Physics (NCPP), an expert in nanomaterials and particle physics. This project, which is a collaboration between the Low Dimensional Materials Research Centre (LDMRC), NCPP and Synchrotron Light Research Institute (SLRI), Thailand, explores graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) as potential game-changers for radiation-hardened detectors in HEP.
The research focuses on few-layer graphene (FLG) and multi-layer graphene (MLG) films synthesised using a hot-wire chemical vapour deposition (HWCVD) technique. These GNPs are directly grown on silicon substrates, eliminating the defects associated with material transfer. The team subjected these films to high-energy electron beam irradiation (1.2 GeV, 1.2 × 10⁹ e-/cm²) to simulate extreme HEP conditions and evaluate their structural, chemical, and electrical stability.
The study revealed that both FLG and MLG exhibited radiation-induced changes, such as atomic dislocations and increased edge defects. However, MLG showed superior radiation tolerance, maintaining its structural integrity and conductive properties better than FLG. Raman spectroscopy demonstrated that the structural modifications in MLG were less pronounced, underscoring its stability under high-energy conditions. These findings highlight graphene's potential to replace traditional materials in detectors, offering a lightweight, flexible, and resilient alternative.
This groundbreaking research bridges nanotechnology and particle physics, opening new possibilities for graphene-based detector systems that are not only innovative but also tailored to the specific challenges of HEP. Beyond HEP, the implications of these findings extend to other high-radiation fields, such as medical imaging, aerospace, and nuclear safety. With ongoing studies on multi-radiation effects and the integration of graphene films into functional detector prototypes, Dr. Nurul Hidayah and her team are paving the way for a new generation of radiation-tolerant technologies. This pioneering research project earned the Bronze Award for Best Presentation at the 2nd Research Officer National Symposium (ReONS) held on 19-20 November 2024.
Dr. Nurul Hidayah emphasises the importance of fostering greater collaboration between the fields of nanomaterials or materials science and high-energy particle physics. Utilising advanced materials as detectors in high-energy physics holds great promise for developing more robust alternatives to conventional silicon-based detectors. Her research demonstrates that multi-layer graphene (MLG) has significant potential as a detection material in high-energy environments.
In conclusion, this research highlights the transformative potential of graphene nanoplatelets in high-energy physics and other fields. Dr. Nurul Hidayah’s findings reveal that MLG outperforms few-layer graphene (FLG) under high-energy conditions, exhibiting superior resistance to radiation-induced changes. This breakthrough opens the door to creating more efficient, durable, and eco-friendly solutions, marking a major step toward a greener and more resilient future.
Researcher featured:
Dr. Nurul Hidayah Binti Mohamad Nor
National Centre for Particle Physics, Universiti Malaya
For inquiries, please contact:
T: +603-79677808
Farah Hannan Abd Nasir
A PhD student from the Physics Department who’s eager to blend science and storytelling - my goal is to make science relatable and exciting for everyone. When I’m not researching organic electronics, I enjoy playing the viola and painting with watercolours.
Siti Farhana Bajunid Shakeeb Arsalaan Bajunid, Assistant Registrar, Universiti Malaya
Photo credits:
Mohd. Yani Alias for PPP
AlexanderAlUS - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,